Thanks for this post. Interesting that these clinics are popping up.. I would not surprised if there is enough demand for them to do well, particularly in big cities. The 3D postural alignment scan sounds interesting and something I would like to do myself one day.. But as you alluded to, I think you can optimize your life expectancy mostly almost for free, and then maybe get the last 10% or maybe 20% from additional resources like these clinics.. Anyways, thanks for the post, I have restacked it :)
Thanks for this post. Interesting that these clinics are popping up.. I would not surprised if there is enough demand for them to do well, particularly in big cities. The 3D postural alignment scan sounds interesting and something I would like to do myself one day.. But as you alluded to, I think you can optimize your life expectancy mostly almost for free, and then maybe get the last 10% or maybe 20% from additional resources like these clinics.. Anyways, thanks for the post, I have restacked it :)